Network of African National Human Rights Institutions


  • Consultancy
  • Nairobi




The Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) is a membership organization that supports the establishment and strengthening of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in the African continent. It provides practical assistance and support to its individual member institutions to enable them to more effectively undertake their mandate of human rights protection, monitoring, promotion and advocacy.

NANHRI was founded on 13th October, 2007. The Headquarters of the Secretariat is based in Nairobi Kenya, with a membership base of 47 African National Human Rights Institutions.

NANHRI’s general objectives are set out in its Constitution and are outlined here below:

  • Encourage the establishment of National Human Rights Institutions in conformity with the Paris Principles;
  • Facilitate the coordination, strengthening and effectiveness of National Human Rights Institutions in Africa;
  • Encourage cooperation among National Human Rights Institutions and with intergovernmental and governmental institutions.

Project management skills are an absolute essential for every staff who works in the non-profit sector. A comprehensive understanding of how to plan and manage projects, allocate resources, track progress and generate impact reports is indispensable in contemporary NGO setting. Granted that most funding for NGO work is largely project based, it is absolutely imperative that those charged with the responsibility of supporting implementation and delivery of project outcomes are equipped with the requisite skills to design and implement impactful projects.

Successful project design and implementation is a shared responsibility. Programme officers have a primary role to play in identifying needs and leading the process of clarifying and nuancing possible solutions based on their interaction with relevant stakeholders. Delivery of impactful projects that transform the quality of life of targeted rightsholders and other project beneficiaries should be the end goal for conceptualization of all projects. As such, it is paramount that programme officers are endowed with the requisite skills to undertake this important task.

It is against this background that the Secretariat wishes to engage the services of a seasoned trainer to train the NANHRI Secretariat staff to enhance their capacity with a view to improving the way NANHRI designs, implements and monitors projects to achieve impact at scale.


The goal of this training programme shall be to impart skills to NANHRI staff on project management to enhance efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of NANHRI programmes. The training aims at empowering the staff to design and manage projects successfully, ensuring they meet their objectives and deliverables.

The training programme should be tailored to incorporate the following important thematic areas of interest interspersed with some team building exercises

  • Fundamentals of project cycle management
  • Tech-assisted project management: tools, systems and other resources including the Logframe
  • Risk planning and management
  • Budgeting and financial management
  • Report writing and documentation

The consultancy shall entail training the staff in project design, management including reporting and documentation as a primary task. The consultant will be required to review the adequacy of the current project management approaches and tools (including for reporting) and recommend appropriate measures for improvement where necessary.

  1. Tasks and responsibilities of the consultant

The consultants shall:

  • Conduct a staff training needs assessment and post training evaluation.
  • Review the current project management approaches and tools to ascertain their adequacy and appropriateness
  • Prepare and submit a training program in consultation with the NANHRI team
  • Preparing training/course materials before hand
  • Facilitate the training based on the agreed program
  • Prepare and submit a final training report after the workshop
  • Facilitate some team building sessions inbuilt within the training program
  • Any other task as may be necessary to achieve the intended outcome/results

The Consultant will complete and submit a training report in soft copy at the end of the training to the NANHRI Secretariat who will provide feedback, based on which the Consultant will finalize the report.

After the training, participants should be able to:

  • Conduct needs assessment/gap analysis
  • Determine the relevant stakeholders involved in project cycle
  • Understand the fundamental aspects of managing a successful project
  • Practically use identified tools to support in managing projects
  • Determine the relevant stakeholders involved in project cycle
  • Design a project using a logical framework
  • Evaluation of a project against the set results
  • Develop a proper project report that captures and communicates results


  • Inception report detailing consultants understanding of the assignment, methodology and work plan
  • A training programme and attendant materials
  • A comprehensive final training report

The Consultant will consist of an individual or a firm, whose team lead is the holder of at least a masters degree in Development Studies, Law or a management related discipline, at least 10 years of experience related to project design, implementation and management, training/capacity building in human rights / NGO settings including evaluation and reporting for donor funded projects. The consultant shall be a great facilitator with impeccable communication skills.


The consultant will adopt a consultative and participative approach. This will include desk review of relevant documents including NANHRI 2021 – 2025 Strategic, Plan Annual Work Plans and Budgets, Mission Reports and meetings (both face-to-face and virtual interactions). Specifically, the assignment will be implemented in four stages as outlined below:

  • Stage 1: Inception phase involves discussion with NANHRI Secretariat to define the scope of the assignment and produce an inception report. This inception report will incorporate a detailed work plan, methodology and time schedules for this exercise.
  • Stage 2: Desk review of relevant documents, followed by delivery of the training / workshop on project management for NANHRI secretariat staff
  • Stage 3: Submission of draft training report to the NANHRI for comments and validation
  • Stage 4: Submission of the final report to the NANHRI Secretariat.

The assignment will be conducted over a total of 10 working days between October and November 2024. The tasks will be allocated time slots as follows:

Task description Duration
1 Review of documents and production of inception report 2 days
2 Development of training programme and materials 2 days
3 Training on Project Management and reporting 4 days
4 Preparation of draft training Report 1 day
5 Submission of final report 1 day
6 Total 10 days

Financial Proposal must express the professional fees for the assignment. All other costs such as travel costs, living allowances, communications, etc. will be covered directly by the NANHRI Secretariat. Payment shall therefore be made according to the following deliverables:

  • Thirty per cent (30%) after submission and acceptance of the Inception report;
  • Sixty per cent (60%) after submission and acceptance of the draft training report;
  • Ten per cent (10%) after submission and acceptance of the final report.

The Senior Programmes Officer will oversee and coordinate the whole exercise. The SPO in collaboration with the Finance and Admin Team will provide administrative support including compiling and forwarding all the necessary documents, organising meetings with stakeholders and coordinating any other necessary logistical arrangements.


o NANHRI 2021 – 2025 Strategic Plan

o NANHRI Annual Reports

o NANHRI Secretariat Reports


All interested consultants who meet the above criteria should submit both technical proposal and financial proposal that includes a schedule of work/work plan. All applications should be sent to and copy not later than 30th September, 2024.

To apply for this job email your details to