Cognizant of the various resolutions adopted by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights which have laid a solid framework for addressing women’s rights. These include Resolution 283 on the Situation of Women and Children in Armed Conflict, Resolution 262 on Women’s Right to Land and Productive Resources; and Resolution 409 on the Need to Adopt Legal Measures for the Protection of Women Human Rights Defenders in Africa. The Commission has further developed General Comments and Guidelines on specific topics to provide interpretative guidance to member states on the provisions of the Maputo Protocol and the required states’ responses on women and girls’ rights;
Reaffirming the important role that NHRIs play in promoting and protecting rights of women by holding states accountable to the implementation of human rights standards, through complaints handling, providing advice in the formulation of policies and legislation, conducting research and training on women’s rights, monitoring compliance with international human rights treaties and advocating for equal opportunities, respect for the rights of women and girls, among other functions;
We, the participants of the NHRIs Forum, adopt the following action plan to contribute to the realization of indigenous women’s rights in Africa:
I. Research, advocacy, human rights education and awareness raising
II. Complaint handling and facilitating redress
III. Strengthening partnerships for the promotion and protection of indigenous
women rights
IV. Reporting on implementation of this action plan
Done on April 09, 2021 (online)