The General Assembly is the highest decision-making organ of NANHRI. Currently, there are 46 members from across Africa.
Some of the day to day roles include admission of new members, approving strategic plans and annual work plans and budgets, election of members to the Steering Committee and representatives to the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions, establishment and approval of ad hoc committees and working groups, amending the constitution, among others.
To deliver on the above assignment, the GA meets every two years just before the Biennial Conference of the NANHRI. The Chairperson of NANHRI, who is usually the Chair of the NHRI hosting the biennial conference, presides over the GA, a time that also marks transition to the new Chairperson who will host the next Biennial Conference.
A GA, through the Chairperson, may also be requested by the Secretariat or the Steering Committee for an extraordinary session.
An invitation for such extra session is done in writing at least 60 days before the meeting and it should be accompanied by the necessary documentation to facilitate the participation of the members.
The Chairperson of NANHRI also chairs the Steering Committee and is elected to the position of the Vice Chair during the GA preceding a Biennial Conference. The leadership is rotational, allowing each of the five Subregions – North, Southern, East, West, and Central Africa- lead the organisation.
The current Chair is Mr Mohamed Fayek while the Vice Chairperson is Dr. Hilarious Elasto Mugwadi. After the GA preceding the 13th Biennial Conference on November 2, 2021, Dr. Mugwadi, who is the Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission will be the chair while Mr Fayek will be an advisor to the Steering Committee.
A new Vice Chair will be elected from West Africa and will host the 14th Biennial Conference.
The Steering Committee (SC) of NANHRI is the second highest organ. It is the board that provides policy direction while overseeing the operations of the Secretariat. It is headed by the Chairperson of NANHRI assisted by the Vice Chairperson.
The SC meets just before the General Assembly and as may be requested by the Steering Committee members, the Secretariat or any other authority.
Five of the members represent the five Subregions of the NANHRI- North, Southern, East, West, and Central Africa.
The four others include the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the immediate former Chairperson and the institution hosting the Permanent Secretariat-currently the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights.