Network of African National Human Rights Institutions


NANHRI participated in the 77th Ordinary session of the African Commission and issued the following statement: NANHRI-STATEMENT-TO-THE-OPENING-OF-THE-77th-ORDINARY-SESSION-OF-THE-ACHPR-OCTOBER-2023Download
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The 41st Ordinary Session of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights andWelfare of the Child (ACERWC) was held on 28 April-06 May 2023 in Maseru,Lesotho. The Session was attended by members of the Committee and otherstakeholders, including Representatives of children, Representatives of MemberStates, Representatives of the African Union Commission and AU Organs,Representatives of...
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The 75th Ordinary Session was held in a hybrid format from 3rd to 23rd May in Banjul- Gambia. 2023 deliberated on trending human rights issues especially matters arising from statements from various stakeholders on the human rights situation in Africa, its relationship and cooperation with National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) and Specialized Institutions, as well as...
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The Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) is alarmed by the gruesome murder of Human Rights Defender, Adv. Thulani Maseko, which happened whilst he was innocently watching television with his family at his home in Mbabane, Eswatini. NANHRI acknowledges that Maseko passionately chaired the Multi-Stakeholders Forum, a collaboration of political parties and civil...
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